APPUiO Pricing

APPUiO has a pay-per-use (metered) price model. This means, you only pay for what you use.

Price Calculator


cloudscale Zones
Node Class Per GiB RAM / minute Per GiB RAM / 30 days

Flex (Shared vCPUs)
Dynamic computing power
Room for short-term load peaks
Ideal for most applications

CHF 0.001135

CHF ~49.00
CHF ~45.00 (until 2023-12-31)

Plus (Dedicated Cores)
CPU cores for exclusive use
Consistent CPU performance
Ideal for demanding workloads

CHF 0.001366

CHF ~59.00
CHF ~55.00 (until 2023-12-31)

Exoscale Zones
Node Class Per GiB RAM / minute Per GiB RAM / 30 days

Covering a variety of use cases and allowing you to implement your architecture

CHF 0.001135

CHF ~49.00
CHF ~45.00 (until 2023-12-31)

  • Measurement is memory (RAM) usage in MiB (Mebibytes) per Pod, usage over one minute (mean).

  • Minimum 128 MiB for 1 minute, then in 1 MiB steps.

  • If the usage is smaller than the resource requests, the requests are counted.

  • The underlying infrastructure has a fixed ratio between memory and CPU resources. CPU requests exceeding that ratio will be counted as well. The requested CPU cores will be multiplied with the platforms' ratio. This yields an equivalent in MiB. The memory to CPU ratio can be different per zone. See zone listing for the exact values.

    Example 1. CPU request billing exceeding underlying infrastructures' ratio
    Starting position

    The selected zone has a ratio of 4096 MiB per core, the requested memory is 1024 MiB and the requested CPU 400 milicores (equals 0.4 cores).


    This results in a ratio of 2560 MiB per core (1024 MiB divided by 0.4 cores) which is below the one of the selected zone, thus violating fair use and will cause extra cost. The billed amount will be 1638 MiB (4096 MiB multiplied by 0.4 cores).

Persistent Storage

cloudscale Zones
Storage Type Per GiB per minute Per GiB per 30 days

RWO (SSD) [1]

CHF 0.000009

CHF 0.390000

RWO (Bulk) [1]

CHF 0.000002

CHF 0.097500

RWX [2]

CHF 0.000071

CHF 3.047200

Exoscale Zones
Storage Type Per GiB per minute Per GiB per 30 days

RWO (SSD) [2]

CHF 0.000081

CHF 3.502206

RWX [2]

CHF 0.000126

CHF 5.463441

  • Measurement is the size of PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) in GiB (Gibibytes).

  • Measured in 1 GiB steps, rounded up to the next increment.

  • See Available Storage Classes for a list of Storage Classes per Zone.

  • Storage Types (Access Modes):

    • RWO (ReadWriteOnce): The volume can be mounted as read-write by a single node only, usually by a single pod.

    • RWX (ReadWriteMany): The volume can be mounted as read-only by many nodes and pods at the same time.

Service Type LoadBalancer

cloudscale Zones
Per Service per minute Per Service per 30 days

CHF 0.0004629630

CHF 20.00

  • Measurement is per Kubernetes service type LoadBalancer per minute.

  • Only IPv4 is supported at the moment.

  • Traffic to the service is routed through redundant network path. Failure of a single network path does not impact service availability. For high availability, please ensure the workload targeted by the service is deployed accordingly.


Price for calculation

The price per minute is used for calculation.


The minute-by-minute costs are summed up by month, then rounded to two decimal places for invoicing.

Gigabytes vs. Gibibytes

Please see Unit Prefixes for a detailed description about the differences.
1 GiB (Gibibyte) equals 1024^3 bytes.


These prices are valid starting 2024-01-01 until further notice.


All prices are excl. VAT, currently 8.1% for Switzerland.

Days/Hours/Minutes Conversion

30 days are 720 hours or 43'200 minutes.


Duration is calculated from the time the Pod is created until the Pod is terminated, rounded up to the nearest minute.

CPU Usage

Usage of vCPU resources is included in the price. A fair-use policy applies.

1. Based on Kubernetes CSI
2. Based on Rook/Ceph using the Managed Storage Cluster product