VSHN Roadmap

Welcome to VSHN’s Product Roadmap! 🚀

At VSHN, we’re committed to delivering innovative and reliable managed services that empower you to build, deploy, and scale your applications effortlessly. Our roadmap is packed with cutting-edge features and improvements that will transform your experience with APPUiO, Managed OpenShift, and our Application Catalog.

We’re eager to hear your thoughts and feedback as we shape the future of our services. Take a look at what’s in the pipeline and let us know what excites you the most using our feedback form! 💬 Your input helps us prioritize the most impactful features and ensures we continue to meet your evolving needs.

Managed Services in AppCat

Services in the VSHN Application Catalog are available in full self-service. Please let us know which services and applications you’d like to see included and which ones are the most important to you.

Backend Services

These are typically crucial services needed by another application to for example store data.

Managed MongoDB

MongoDB is a document database designed for ease of application development and scaling.

Managed FerretDB (MongoDB compatible)

Simplify your database management with FerretDB, a MongoDB-compatible database solution.

Shared Database

Get access to an already existing shared database server (PostgreSQL or MariaDB).

Managed RabbitMQ

Reliable and scalable messaging with RabbitMQ.

Managed Microsoft SQL Server

Enterprise database with Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL).

Managed Mosquitto

Mosquitto, a lightweight, open-source MQTT broker for IoT messaging.

Managed VerneMQ

Achieve seamless IoT messaging with this scalable MQTT broker, VerneMQ.

Managed CouchDB

Effortlessly manage your documents with CouchDB, a flexible NoSQL database.

Managed CockroachDB

Highly scalable distributed relational database with CockroachDB.

Managed Kafka

Streamline your event-driven architectures with Kafka.

Managed Valkey (Redis compatible)

Experience fast in-memory data caching with Valkey.

Managed OpenSearch (Elasticsearch compatible)

Search and analyze your data with OpenSearch, fully compatible with Elasticsearch.

Managed Cassandra

Cassandra, Open Source NoSQL distributed database.

Your wish…​

Got a service you wish to see managed by VSHN? Let us know!

Software Services

User-facing software, usually delivered in a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model.

Managed Forgejo

Accelerate your DevOps pipeline with the Forgejo source code management platform.

Managed GitLab

Take control of your source code and CI/CD pipelines with GitLab. Let your pipelines be executed on managed GitLab runners.

Managed Grafana Stack

Analyze data with the Grafana LGTM stack: Logs, Grafana, Traces, Metrics.

Managed Code Signing Tools

Manage your code signing with Tools from Sigstor, like Cosign, Fulico and Rekor.

Managed Atlassian Suite

Have Atlassian tools like Jira or Confluence on the infrastructure of choice.

Managed WordPress

WordPress, The well-known CMS for the web.

Managed Harbor Container Registry

Harbor. The trusted cloud native repository for Kubernetes.

Managed OpenBao (Vault compatible)

OpenBao, The Open Source, community-driven fork of Vault by the Linux Foundation.

Managed Vcluster (Virtual Kubernetes in Kubernetes)

Run a virtual Kubernetes cluster inside a Kubernetes environment with Vcluster.

Managed Jenkins

Jenkins, for CI/CD pipelines.

Your wish…​

Got a service you wish to see managed by VSHN? Let us know!


Payment via Credit Card

Allow payment of APPUiO via Credit Card.

Worker Nodes with GPU Support

We’re exploring possibilities to enable APPUiO users to harness the power of GPU processing.

Bring Your Own Operator (BYOO)

Currently, APPUiO is a multi-tenant shared OpenShift cluster, making it challenging to bring your own operator. We’re investigating ways to let users bring their own CRDs and operators.

Shared Multi-Tenant ArgoCD GitOps

Deploy your applications following GitOps principles with the multi-tenant ArgoCD GitOps engine.

Forward Logs to External Sink

Ship your logs to an external logging system to correlate events across multiple platforms and APPUiO zones.

APPUiO Zone in the Rümlang (ZH) Region of cloudscale

We’re planning a new APPUiO zone in the Rümlang (ZH) region of cloudscale. Share your interest and use cases to help us plan this new zone.

APPUiO Zone on Hyperscaler

We’re opening a new APPUiO zone on a global hyperscaler. Share your preferred hyperscaler and region to help us make the right choice.

APPUiO Zone on …​

Tell us on which cloud provider you’d like to see an APPUiO zone.

Managed OpenShift

Support for OpenShift 4.15

OpenShift 4.15 is available. We’re ensuring all our tooling works seamlessly while collaborating with customers to upgrade their clusters to the latest version.

Support for Cilium Service Mesh

Cilium is the default network plugin used in our OpenShift clusters. We’re working to support the service mesh features of Cilium, providing you with a high-performance service mesh solution.

Auto-scaling of OpenShift worker Nodes

We’re enhancing OpenShift’s auto-scaling capabilities to help your clusters automatically scale up or down based on workloads, improving cost efficiency.


VSHN Kubernetes Engine (VKE)

We’re exploring options to offer a lightweight Managed Kubernetes service, where OpenShift features are not needed or too costly.

MLOps on Kubernetes

Empower your machine-learning workflows with Kubernetes-based MLOps.

Serverless on Kubernetes

Embrace serverless architecture using Kubernetes facilities.

🌟 Your Feedback Matters

We’re on a journey to build the most comprehensive and user-friendly solutions. Share your insights, thoughts, and preferences with us to help shape the future of our products with our feedback form!