AppOps - Application Monitoring Engineering

What’s most important to your business? Is it ensuring your application is available for users as expected, or is it whether one out of three containers is in a restarting loop? That’s exactly what we focus on here: determining how we can ensure that your application is available and functional. We collaborate to identify the key performance indicator (Service Level Indicator, SLO), decide what to implement on the application side, and how we can measure and alert based on that. Furthermore, we define the Service Level Objective (SLO), establishing expected performance levels and the "error budget."

When we do this as part of the Service Level Agreement of Cloud Native Application Operations Guaranteed Availability, we guarantee availability based on defined SLOs.

Included Services

  • Collaborative brainstorming on the business relevance of the application, impact of downtimes of individual services, performance metrics, etc.

  • Definition of Service Level Indicators (SLIs): What is to be measured and how.

  • Definition of Service Level Objectives (SLOs): What is the epexted and what’s the "error budget" that can be tolerated.

  • Depending on whether we guarantee the SLO within the scope of Cloud Native Application Operations, configuring the monitoring and alerting to both you and/or VSHN systems.


Estimated effort offered via Sales Offer, based on what we already know, as we know your application and deployment at this point. You pay the time billed by the hour, based on effective effort. Hourly packages at reduced rates available.

Conditions and Scope

Only available within the scope of Cloud Native Application Operations and under its conditions.